2,000 Years

How wild is it that over 2,000 years ago a man came to earth, lived as human like you and me, and then died the most famous and torturing death… death by crucificition. And now, we celebrate this remarkable event in histroy.

The day Jesus carried His own cross, He was carrying it for me and you! All that I was, all that I am, and all that I will be was worth it to Him. Think about that! The most powerful name in all of history, and the most compasionate, loving, graceful God sent His son to earth and then he hung freely on the cross that He carried all because we were worth it all. We were worth Him giving up His life! When I think about that, I can’t help but want to proclaim the name of Jesus all around the world. To people who know and even more to those who don’t know. 

There is a song that I absolutely love not because it sounds awesome or is easy to worship to but because the words of the song are a daily prayer to my life. It’s called “Give Me Faith,” and how appropriate is it that for someone like me who is learning each new day to take a bigger and bigger steps in faith that a song like this just never gets old but continuously reminds me to give my life to Christ in big ways.  My flesh is going to fail and I know that I will become weak but God is never going to fail. Through all my broknness and shame, He is still Good and He is still going to love me. 

In my previous post, I talked a little bit about new beginnings. This weekend during our many Easter services at church, the entire weekend was aimed at new beginnings and the new life that Christ offers to us daily. Why?! Because we are all messed up, we are all going through something no matter how big or how small. For example, right now in this moment of writing this, I am praying about making one of the biggest decisions of my life and how I’m going to pursue internships and what the summer months are going to look like. To some, that may be something small. To me, it’s something big right now. But that is my point, God is always going to walk with us through ANY and EVERY situation. God doesn’t see size, they are all the same to Him. 

Through this Easter season, I have sat in prayer and thought about how good God has been to me and how each new day is an offering of a new beginning with Him. One of the coolest parts of creation I think is the masterpiece of art that God paints every morning and night when the sun rises and sets. I see God in those pieces of art. I have a friend who loves Heaven and the idea of spening eternity there, and I’m not going to lie, when she talks about it I see her excitement and I get just as excited. The sun kinda sparks some of those heaven thoughts for me. The fact that Heaven is that beautiful, or maybe its even better. But the whole idea is that God is creating those sun sets and rises just like He is creating a life inside each of us. A life to love him, but more than that… to fall in love with Him through all that we do. 

God offers us new life, new hope and the opportunity to spend an eternity in Heaven, which is where He is preparing for each of us. How cool is that?! Just because the “holiday” of Easter is over let us not forget that Easter is everyday. Jesus is alive and He rose from the grave after he bled to death on a cross that He carried for my life and your life. 

Father, I give you my life asking that you give me faith to trust what You say and to recognize how good and great you are, but more importantly to see how great Your love is. Father You are love. The symbolism of Easter is a daily reminder to me that You are alive and You are working in my life everyday becasue I am going to fail here on earth. I will never be perfect and help me to understand that, and help me to understand the importance of turning to You in those times that are good and those times that are bad. Open my eyes God to see the work that you are doing in my own life and in the lives of those around me here at home and abroad. Thank you for the real reason of celebration on a day like Easter. You fix all my brokenness and the pieces that I think are missing are really places that I need to surrender more to You. Let this day be a reminder of the sacrifice You made over 2,000 years ago. God You are so good, have mercy on my soul Father. In Your precious, unfailing Name I pray. Amen! 

Happy Resurrection Sunday! He is ALIVE and He is LIVING IN ME! 

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