Reflecting and Responding

Its been two months since I returned from my spring break trip to Belize and during these last two months, I have encountered some of the greatest time of reflection and studying. More on that later.

Since I have returned from Belize I see parts of my life becoming more humbling, and in a way I have never understood. It has been honoring to share what God is doing in that great nation, but what makes it even more exciting is how He is using the people of Belize to strengthen His kingdom there. It’s so easy to forget that the work continues on the ground after missionaries leave. We are not the only ones that are making a difference, there are ministries and organizations that have a commitment and dedication to making a long-term effect in Belize by working 24/7. As stories continue to be written of what is going on there, I can’t help but get fired up knowing that my life is one of those stories in progress, a story that He is writing.

As the days and weeks continue to pass, I have a longing and a desire to return to Belize. But beyond my own desire, I feel God calling me to return to the work I was apart of there. There is still work to be done there. Joining the effort of uniting a nation on the name of Jesus. When I look at the big picture of my life, I see where I have been, where I am and where I have the opportunity to go. And that opportunity is responding to a call and following our ultimate Leader. While taking a huge step in faith and responding to God’s call can be scary, especially if it involves going to another country for an extended period of time, but it’s such a reward knowing that we are protected by the One who called us there.

The Great Commission from Matthew 28 means more to me today than ever before. It has become more than just words on paper, rather something to live by. Through the time spent back in the states and the more that I share about Belize I am able to recognize how God has called me to “go” even further and deeper. Which brings me to the part I mentioned earlier about my studying and reflection. Being here in America is not always easy. Thats probably in part because of how comfortable we become when we are in another country. Well at least for me that’s the case. And Belize is no exception. I felt more at home there then I often do in the states. As I started each day in Belize with a time of prayer, journaling, and reading of the word I started to become more aware. I’m not quite sure what that exactly means, but I do know that for somethings they became a lot more clear to me. I would have to honestly say so far in 2012, my walk with Christ has been significantly altered since March and somedays I look at that being the new year for me… the beginning of my life being radically changed forever.

To be completely honest, I was never good at being self-disciplined in starting my day, finding time in the middle of the day, or even ending my day with spending time with Jesus and recognizing Him every part of my life. When I first took the step to go to Belize, I thought it would probably be a good idea to start making that a priority considering He is the ultimate reason for the trip. That is probably when I started listening to Him more than ever. And then Belize.

Now I get excited about reading the word and discovering what it all means. Through writing and studying on different platforms I am able to take my own faith and challenges a step deeper. I have to say, I have learned so much in the last couple of months then I think I have ever before about my own life and understanding more of what it means to be called and then to go. Its all because I took that initial step in faith to move for the kingdom.

In the coming days and weeks I am making strides to call Belize home for an extended period of time. I would ask that you come along and pray with me in this process as I sit and listen. From the beginning, the whole idea of starting this blog and using available platforms to talk about Jesus and Belize was to create a generation that will become more United. In Christ. and For Christ.

I love you!

One thought on “Reflecting and Responding

  1. As I read your post, I couldn’t help but smile. I have not been over to Belize to serve, but I do what I can here in the states, to be an example of Christ until I can go over and kiss the hands of my brothers and sisters in Belize. Thank you for sharing your testimony.

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