
The vast majority of us go to our graves without knowing who we are. We unconsciously live someone else’s life or at least someone else’s expectations for us. This does violence to ourselves, our relationship with God, and ultimately to others. — Peter Scazzero

Who are we?! We are sons and daughters of Jesus Christ! Our lives are a story that He is writing and each one of our stories is a best seller. I was talking to a friend the other day who is making the choice to share their story with a mass audience. They were terrified to become so transparent to thousands of people at one moment in time because of what they were choosing to share. But think about it, how often do we try to hide our stories and pretend to be someone we’re not?! All the time! There are people you know that you will talk to today that are living lives that are not their own. They are one way on the outside and completely different on the inside.

Why do we try and hide who we are? Fear of acceptance and judgement are often at the top of the list because we try so hard to be accepted and not judged by people. We don’t have to have the worlds acceptance to live in eternity. The story that we are trying to hide already has an ending that we can’t change; the one who we fear most, is the one writing our story and already knows the ending! So what is there to hide from humanity? Nothing!

We try to run away from reality instead of accepting reality for what it is. Maybe today is the day that some of us need to stop running in the wrong direction and like my friend be bold and let our story be known.
Our lives are so cluttered we don’t even realize where we are running, and honestly we are running into disaster.

Stop sprinkling a little bit of Jesus on top of everything thinking it will make life better. It may be a feel good moment but that moment of “feeling good” will go away. We are humans and we experience emotions of all kind everyday. Some of those emotions we face everyday may be trying to tell us something. God is using those emotions to direct you somewhere. Are you choosing to listen?!

Your story is your story and you are not writing it! I love my friend for being bold and taking the step to share their story. Someones life will be changed because of such a bold move. You don’t know who may gain hope or love or mercy from hearing your story. What is there to be ashamed of when the greatest writer of all time is the one writing our story. Its ok to be scared, that is an emotion, but how is God using that emotion to impact the world?!

One thought on “Story!

  1. Wow. I needed to read that about three hours ago. I didn’t attend something this morning, because I would have had to share my story. I know the same friend you refer to in your writing. I was in awe. I should have been brave enough to do the same, but didn’t go because I was afraid of being judged and rejected. I wish I had gone. I will embrace the opportunity next time. My story has made me who I am right this minute. It’s not pretty, but it is still who I am. Thanks, Sean, for reminding me that God wrote my story, and I should never be ashamed of anything that brought me to where I am . . . a child of God, redeemed, and saved by our Lord Jesus Christ.

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