Fan or Follower?

Here’s a thought… If Jesus was on Facebook or Twitter, would you follow him or befriend him? Would we want Him to see how awesome our lives are, or at least how awesome we pretend our lives are! There is so much we choose not to share with the world (go read my previous post “story!”) because we want to come across as the “in” one instead of the real one!

Something else, Jesus doesn’t need social media to keep up with you! He made you and knows you more than you could ever post on Facebook.

So here is my question: are you a fan of Jesus or a follower? Some may ask what is the real difference?! I honestly think it’s the way we choose to live and present our lives in public verses behind closed doors.

It’s easy to be a fan of Jesus when we are surrounded by a group of people and want to give off the picture perfect Christian life. It’s common around big groups especially when you’re in a ministry setting or around your core group of friends who you want to think of you in a certain way. We don’t want people to know what we are really like. It’s scary!

The “fan” look is so easy to dress up and play off. It allows us to live how we really want to without judgement. Think of it like this, for all those that are big football fanatics they have their favorite team gear displayed all over the place. We know they are a fan of X team. Well, Christians can and do the exact same thing with their Jesus gear. We display Christian books, bibles and fancy verses or quotes all around the place. We are a fan of Jesus. Now don’t get me wrong, having such things displayed is not a bad thing, in fact I think it’s great to display our bibles and encouraging quotes. As long as its all for good intentions. As long as its us being real! But stop choosing to be just a fan. There is so much more out there.

Are we living as a real follower of Jesus? Not just following him but following him with all that we are and all that is within us! Committing our lives to Jesus means sacrificing all that we are and all that we have. Laying down our lives for him no matter what. In hard times and not, we need to turn to Jesus, he is the only one that will not take off when things get too scary. Think of the most lowest moment you have encountered…who was there for you? Why were they there? How long were they there? Could you even find someone to go to?
In Romans 3 we see Paul talking about God’s will for our life, “out of sheet generosity he put us in right standing with himself!” What a joy that is, but more importantly, what a gift. Jesus willinging went to the cross for you and me. How can we not help but to want to follow him?! As a follower of Jesus we are being discipled by him. We are getting to know him intimately. He does that so we can continue making other disciples. We don’t get the same training and joy from him as a fan. As he grows us he is lifting us up from the mess of life we get stuck in. Romans 3 continues on talking about the restoration that that Jesus offers to us and placing us where he always wants us… Right behind him… Following him.

So now, are we choosing to follow Jesus or just be a fan. I have to look at my own life and ask that same question. Am I the disciple of Christ behind closed doors that I show and want to be in public?! Honestly, not always. It’s not going to ever be easy. Jesus didn’t promise to make life easy. He only promised it would be worth it. So are you going to be a real follower today and make life worth it?! The reward is greater than anything here on earth.

You can’t continue to live life as just a Jesus fan. No matter the level of fear, take that step to fully committing to follow him, step into faith. I know how hard it is. Trust me. It’s hard. But it’s Jesus. Has he ever left you? Think deeply about that… I know the answer, it’s no!!

Go follow him!

Love and peace!

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