
“Hallelujah, You have won the victory.
Hallelujah, You have won it all for me.
Death could not hold You down.
You are the risen King, seated in majesty.
You are the risen King.”

As I sit in rehearsal working on preparing for Easter services this weekend, I instantly become captivated by this song, “The Anthem.” Never hearing it before, I stop and look over the lyrics again and again! I just can’t seem to pull away from the words of this song, but more than the words, the truth that this song is speaking. AND through words! Think about it… “You have won it all for me. Death could not hold You down!” That is the solid truth of our Savior. When He went to the cross, He won the victory taking all shame, guilt and sin away from us. Forgiving us by paying the ultimate price for us, life! But even more, Death could not hold Him down. He was too powerful for the grave. Has there never been any other time in human history that there was a body so powerful the grave couldn’t hold them.

When we look at our lives and stumble along struggling to just face another day, we lose all sense of hope. One man went to one cross with three nails to save us! Our Risen King is alive and reigning victoriously over all today, right now in this very moment! He is taking care of our every need. What better gift could there ever be?! The ultimate gift of life and freedom through Jesus! Reflect on his resurrection this weekend and the victory that has been won!

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