
Life is a race. A race that is worth every hill and stumble that we may encounter along the way. Those uphill climbs and falls that may happen are all part of the plan. Think of them as the challenges in life and tough decisions we have to make that only make us stronger! Its like running a major marathon you have worked and trained extremely hard for. If you trip, you want to get up and you want to get up quick so your time isn’t affected too bad. Its motivation and momentum from training that gets you up and back going in the race. The same can be said about our life race. God gives us steep hills to run up and falls to get up from so that we can be closer to Him and experience Him deeper.

Our trainer in life is Jesus. He will equip us and strengthen us to perform the best we can. You didn’t get to that marathon by only training once a week, or giving up on training because it was hard. You pushed though it and you pushed hard. Jesus is challenging us to push hard and run the race with Him through the nations! So, which way are you running your life race?!

There’s only two choices… towards or away. When you seriously stop and answer that question, how honest is your answer? Be honest with yourself and be honest with God. Are you running towards God or away from God?! Answer it out loud.

So many times its easy to run away from Him because its easy. Life seems easier to be in the world. We’re all like the story of the lost son in Luke 15. We have all sinned against our Father. We have all run away from Him and found ourselves lost and dead in the world.

BUT… He is always there. Never leaving. Never turning His back. Never giving up. Never running away from us! That is AWESOME and COMFORTING news! No matter how lost or distant you feel from Him, He is there waiting for you to run. Run right into His arms. It’s ok. Celebrate in Him and His comforting spirit. Run to those arms that are open wide waiting for you. He wants to wrap His arms around you!! You!

Jesus spent six hours on the cross… hanging for all our sins and all the times we get lost. He spent time there for YOU!

The same hands that took the nails are the same hands He welcomes you with. We were worth every nail.

Life is not guaranteed to be easy. It’s guaranteed to be worth it!

Run lost son. Run into the arms of Jesus. Rest in His warm embrace.

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