Welcome Aboard!

Every time I travel I always seem to get the best ideas to write about. Maybe I should travel more… or not. As I walk up and down the terminal, I pass hundreds of people I don’t know. Men, women, kids, students, all different races and with completely different backgrounds. There probably isn’t one person in the entire airport that I do know. There are those rare occasions that I run into someone I know, or someone who sees me may stop me and it’s always nice to stop for a quick chat.

The cool thing is that every one of those people I pass in the airport has a story. A unique story to be exact. To be real honest, we all have different backgrounds and origins, but the one thing I have in common with all these strangers, is who the author of our stories are. His name is Jesus and He created each of us and our own best selling story. He is the author of where we’ve been, where we are and where we’re going. That gets me real excited.

Check this out, just as the pilot of my plane I’m currently on knows where we currently are, he also knows where our final destination is and how to get our plane there. It’s just like Jesus and our lives. More than anyone, He knows where we currently are and He knows how to get us to our final destination… Eternity to be with Him again. We have to be willing to follow His plan and when we hit turbulence, hold on tight and know that smooth air is coming soon.

It takes a ton of equipment to fly this plane. The pilot relies on everything he needs to work properly so we get where we are headed safely. Pilots spend countless hours training on how to operate all the equipmnt it takes to fly. He KNOWS how to work the aircraft and how to fly it, but if critical pieces fail, or malfunction, then the chances of us continuing on our journey are slim to none. When there is a question about something equipment related or we are in need of finding an alternative flight plan, our pilot turns to the Manuel that he is required to carry with him. A very critical document that aides the crew in an unknown.

Jesus is the pilot. The plane is our life. The Manuel is our Bible.
Without Jesus leading our life, we’re not going anywhere (at least no where safe, or no where good). Throughout life, we will hit turbulence and it’s not going to always be smooth. Most times in fact it will be rough and uncomfortable. Chances are, we will get off course at least once in our life. The great thing about our manuel, the bible, is it’s God’s tool to help us get back on track or find the right alternative route. Without making time to study or manuel and become familiar with it, when it’s the only thing we realize we have to turn to, we will be lost. Lost in times of crisis.

Jesus knows how to guide our life, but we have to trust Him and know that the flight plan He has for us, is the right plan and one that offers protection and guidance. It’s called faith. One of my favorite life verses is Hebrews 11:1 and specifically the message translation. It says, “the fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see.”

Through salvation, Jesus welcomes us aboard the plane of life. Now, we have to buckle up and enjoy the journey that He has set before us. Life is a journey. Embrace it and watch what God does.

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