
Last summer, Bass Pro Shops finalized their renovations and moved into the Pyramid in downtown Memphis. Formerly an arena, amongst other uses, this popular Memphis landmark was once again the place to be in our great city. One of the biggest attractions is the lookout (observation deck) at the very top—24 stories off the ground, the lookout offers incredible and breathtaking views of Memphis.
I finally picked a day, a beautiful day that is, in Memphis and took 5 of my high school guys from our student ministry down to the pyramid so we could all experience the hype. After a good amount of time roaming through the pyramid — and by roaming, I really mean running like monkeys, playing hide and seek AND just being high school dudes — we paid our fee and rode the elevator to the top. I have to admit, I was quite nervous on that elevator ride up, and nothing could have prepared me for the moment I stepped out onto the observation deck. While the views were breathtaking, so was the glass I was standing on. That’s right, I was standing on glass 24 stories off the ground. Now let me tell you, I am not a heights person at all. Climbing a 10 foot ladder can give me a case of the sweats. Nonetheless, our adventure was definitely quite incredible, although my nerves would have disagreed.
Here’s the truth to the matter, we all know if I wanted to truly enjoy my self, I had no choice but to trust the glass foundation I was standing on. If I had spent the entire time freaking out about standing on glass, I would have missed the glory of the sights and sounds but also in sharing a great opportunity with these guys.
This whole experience really gave me a new outlook. I couldn’t help but ponder the idea of how many times I doubt my faith, just like I was doubting the glass of the observation deck at the Pyramid. You see, the more I doubt my faith, the more I will miss out on. Think about it, the strength and confidence of my faith will be reflected in the strength and boldness that I have to walk through the world. I don’t want to miss one beat of what Jesus has planned for my life because I’m too afraid to step out on the glass. One of my all time favorite verses is found in Hebrews 11, “now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
When my outlook on life gets dark and find myself struggling to trust, I often turn to this verse and the promise it offers. The foundation of our lives will have cracks and the valleys will come, but we have a God that loves us more than we will ever understand. We have a God that offers grace like we will never be able offer. We have a God who leads like we will never lead. We have a God who supports like we will never fully comprehend. All of these incredible, life-changing, characteristics of our God point back to the glass. What are we trusting in if we’re not trusting in Jesus Christ? If we find our trust to be in anything but HIM, we will constantly be fearful, doubtful and timid to take the next step. I’m thankful that these guys helped encourage me to step onto the glass platform.
Back to the observation deck 24 stories up… there is nothing greater than watching these young high school guys seek after Him. I want them to know my fears, I want to know theirs and together I want our outlook to be what will God do next? Where will HE take us next? I’m excited to watch what HE does as I grow more confidently in my faith, walking boldly and confidently on the glass of life…even if it is 24 stories off the ground.

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