
I’ve spent a lot of time lately thinking about the word “more” and how often that word is used in the everyday conversation. But beyond that, I can’t help but focus on how the word is used. I want MORE money, MORE time, MORE accountability, MORE freedom, MORE flexibility, MORE sleep and the list goes on.

The definition of the word “more” is this: a greater or additional amount; to a greater extent.

Here I find the definition convicting and in full alignment of what I think and know the word “more” to mean and represent in my life, especially from the list of examples above.

But the one “more” that I left off my list and do so too often, as I’m sure do a lot of people, is MORE of Jesus and MORE of who He is in my life. The convicting part of the definition for me is “a great extent.” To what extent do I want more of everything? If I could have more of everything I wanted, how much satisfaction or long-term happiness would that provide? To be fully transparent, not much! I know myself well enough to know that the seasons I have experienced where “more” has been offered and provided there is somehow still a sense of emptiness in my life.

So why?

Well, it’s simple, because at times the more I want for my life is not the more that God wants for my life. The book of Ephesians is one of my top favorite books of the bible and has spoken some great wisdom into my life. When thinking about “more” and what God has to say about it, I find myself in Ephesians 3:20, which says in the ESV translation, “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us…” Another translation comes from the Message and that reads, “God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!”

The more that God wants for my life, and yours, is much GREATER than we could ever imagine or even think about. Literally beyond comprehension… When I sit and think about my life and the direction I’m going, I know the dreams I have and the goals I would like to reach, but none of those even come close to where God wants to take me. It’s difficult to process and if I’m being transparent, at times very frustrating. But go with me here… knowing and believing that His more is far greater than my more, I want to chase after that. And I know the reward will come and the extraordinary experience will come if I look up and walk step-by-step in faith. Not trying to rush it or run, but confidently walk in knowing that what is to come will blow my mind and bless my life because the only answer to what is happening will be “Jesus!”

I like to think about this whole idea of experiencing the “more” that Jesus wants as a lifestyle. It’s an every second, every minute, every hour of every day kind of pursuit.  A pursuit to see and experience the power of His name within us. Let’s take Ephesians 3 and make it a lifestyle… to chase after the more that Jesus wants for our life with eyes, hearts and arms wide open.

I know it’s scary. I’m there right now. But every time I think about wanting more of something that is not more of Him, I have to stop and think, “what is the MORE that Jesus wants for my life?” It’s in that very moment that my thinking and pursuit changes. I’m reminded to step into the Ephesians 3 lifestyle and not my own. God is working. God is moving. God is calling you and me to more. God wants you and me to simply say “yes God.” With that “yes” we will instantly being walking into something that is bigger and better than we could have every picked for our own life.

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