Why United?!

Why am I taking the time to start a blog and dedicate time to it? It’s quite simple… I want the world to better know about our Savior and how powerful He is!

The name “United” came to me one afternoon as I was praying and reflecting on the work I had just completed during a mission trip to Belize. After my experiences there, I couldn’t help but think to myself the need for unity there and across the globe.

The meaning simply lies in the name. As disciples we stand united on the name of Jesus radically proclaiming His name not just at home but wherever we may go around the world.

In Matthew 28, the Great Commission calls us to GO and MAKE disciples among all the nations. Believing in this call and responding to it, allows us to meet people where they are and help them to grow stronger on the name of Jesus. Creating a stronger more united generation. Whether it’s at school, work or the deepest ends of the earth, we as disciples are writing a story and the greatest platform we have to share it is the solid rock Himself, Jesus.

Acts 4:20 – “For we cannot help but speak of the things seen and heard” How can we be quiet about the great things Jesus is doing? The to-the-point answer is we can not! Let’s unite in His name and stand firm on our Savior as we radically impact generations to unite together in Christ and for His glory!

Come along this journey with me and lets go and reach those who need to know the grace and love of our mighty Savior.

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