What a weekend! I have been waiting to get to a place where I could sit and write, mainly because I’ve spent so much time processing, I have been struggling to really compile all my thoughts. I have to say it’s so cool how Jesus works when He has something He wants to tell you. […]

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Last summer, Bass Pro Shops finalized their renovations and moved into the Pyramid in downtown Memphis. Formerly an arena, amongst other uses, this popular Memphis landmark was once again the place to be in our great city. One of the biggest attractions is the lookout (observation deck) at the very top—24 stories off the ground, […]

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Welcome Aboard!

Every time I travel I always seem to get the best ideas to write about. Maybe I should travel more… or not. As I walk up and down the terminal, I pass hundreds of people I don’t know. Men, women, kids, students, all different races and with completely different backgrounds. There probably isn’t one person […]

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window on the world

The journey up felt long and frightening; however, it was only a quick climb. When the doors opened it was a relief to finally be on top, but it was an even greater feeling to be looking through the windows on the world! What am I talking about? The 107th floor of the North Tower […]

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Fan or Follower?

Here’s a thought… If Jesus was on Facebook or Twitter, would you follow him or befriend him? Would we want Him to see how awesome our lives are, or at least how awesome we pretend our lives are! There is so much we choose not to share with the world (go read my previous post […]

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A Reflection of Romans 1

Romans opens with Paul addressing the people as a “devoted slave of Jesus Christ” (MSG) sent and authorized by God to go and spread the good news of Jesus.    Ignoring God leads to an ultimate disaster by the people… we see everything with our own eyes of what God has made, therefore we have […]

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Reflecting and Responding

Its been two months since I returned from my spring break trip to Belize and during these last two months, I have encountered some of the greatest time of reflection and studying. More on that later. Since I have returned from Belize I see parts of my life becoming more humbling, and in a way […]

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2,000 Years

How wild is it that over 2,000 years ago a man came to earth, lived as human like you and me, and then died the most famous and torturing death… death by crucificition. And now, we celebrate this remarkable event in histroy. The day Jesus carried His own cross, He was carrying it for me […]

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A New Beginning

I was listening to a sermon not too long ago that was all about change. My first thoughts were another sermon about change, I have plenty of pages in my journal taken up by the topic of change. However, as it continued I became captivated at the direction the sermon started going. For some reason, […]

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